This article walks through how to choose when you should get notified in case of new activity in your claaps. You can manage notifications directly in the claaps, or from topics.

<aside> πŸ’‘ To receive notifications via email or via Slack, check out this article: Notifications


Managing notifications from a claap

You can choose your level of notifications for any single claap. To do so:

  1. Open the claap.
  2. Click on the Change notifications button πŸ””Β in the top-right corner of the player.
  3. Choose how you want to be notified:

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Notification settings for a claap

<aside> πŸ’‘ The default notification setting when you record a claap is All new comments and first views.


Managing notifications from a topic

You can also choose how to get notified for a whole topic. To do so:

  1. Open any topic.
  2. Click on the Change notifications button πŸ”” in the top-right corner.
  3. Choose how you want to be notified: