There are different ways to share topics with teammates in your workspace.

Share with your whole workspace

First option consists in sharing the topic with your whole workspace. Any page in the Workspace topics section of the lateral bar is shared with all workspace members.


Workspace topic section

There are a 2 ways to share a topic to the whole workspace:

  1. Drag a page from Private topics to Workspace topics section in the lateral bar to share it.
  2. In the Share popin, you can turn on access for Everyone at [workspace] with the dropdown. When doing so, the topic will automatically move to the Workspace topics section in the lateral bar.


Share topic popin

Share with specific people

Second option consists in sharing the topic with specific people, with email invites. Any page in the Private topics section of the lateral bar is shared with people having direct access to it only.

<aside> 💡 A private topic made public will still be accessible for any visitor with the link.

Untitled 2.png

Public link activated


To invite a member or a guest to a topic with email invite:

  1. Click on the Share button at the top right of the topic or claap screen.