Claap allows you to see which teammates viewed or didn’t view a given claap yet. There are two ways to see this viewer status.
<aside> 💡 A user has viewed a claap when they saw at least 10 seconds. More granular metrics will be added later in Claap.
<aside> 💡 Claap sends notifications when anonymous visitors view a claap, but there is no analytics on claap views in the product yet.
When you open a specific claap, you see in the top bar the users that have viewed the claap and those that didn’t. A pink circle around the avatar indicates that user has viewed the claap. If you hover the avatar, you also see when they viewed it.
Viewability popin with timestamp in the claap screen
Members are ordered according to the following:
To see the viewability status of all members, click on any avatar. An overlay is displayed, listing all members and their status.