By removing a user, Admins restrict their access to the workspace and delete all their content.

<aside> ⚠️ Danger zone Deleting a user results in deleting all the claaps and comments of that user. You cannot undo this action.


Remove members

To remote a member from a workspace:

  1. Click on the name of your workspace in the lateral bar.
  2. Go to Workspace Settings > My notifications.
  3. Click on the Members tab.
  4. Click on the permission dropdown on the right of the user and click on Remove.
  5. That user instantly loses access to the workspace, and they no longer can access any topic or claap in the workspace.


Removing members from a workspace

Remove guests

To remove a guest, follow the same steps as for members in the Guests tab.

Group 1980.png

Removing guests from a workspace

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